Welcome to Crossbridges
Projects underway
Acute and chronic effects of resistance exercise with blood flow restriction:
on muscle strength and architecture;
on muscle oxygenation and blood volume;
on endothelial function and selected health indicators;
Validity, reliability, and measurement error of muscle architecture;
Extended field-of-view imaging technique;
Muscle echo-intensity;
Muscle quality changes as a result of resistance training or rehabilitation from injury;
Effect of resistance training on selective hypertrophy;
Post-activation performance enhancement in athletes.
Projects in Collaboration
BIA Brasil, a national multicenter collaborative project.
Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Luís Alberto Gobbo - UNESP, São Paulo
Profile of type II Diabetes patients
Project coordinator: Profa. Dra. Roberta Cobas - Policlínica Piquet Carneiro, UERJ, Rio de Janeiro
Muscle injury in professional soccer players
Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Roberto Mogami - Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, UERJ, Rio de Janeiro
Crossbridges at Scientific Events
IIInd Symposium on Exercise Physiology
Lab. Crossbridges/LAFISAEF/IEFD/UERJ
International Symposium on Physical Activities of Rio de Janeiro
IPCFEx & EsEFEx (Brazilian Army), Urca, Rio de Janeiro
Lab Latest Publications
Soares ALC, Carvalho RF, Mogami R, Meirelles CM, Gomes PSC. Effect of resistance training on quadriceps femoris muscle thickness obtained by ultrasound: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2024;39:270-278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbmt.2024.02.007
Vieira AA, Gomes PSC, Marchiori E, Ribeiro Filho CHIA, Santos EBG, Soares ALC, Messeder AMC, Caldeira GS, Luz LN, Correa DG, Leidersnaider CL, Santos GAPS, Domit OCC, Lima LNL, Pérez MZ, Pérez KKS, Sirimarco FMHC, Avila JIM, Silva MPR, Carvalho BZ, Assis TR, Fonseca Jr. R, Bernardion LVS, Mogami R. Avulsions in adolescent soccer players: preliminary results of radiographic, ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance findings. Brazilian Journal of Health Review, 2024;7(1):5667-5679. https://doi.org/10.34119/bjhrv7n1-460
Gomes PSC. The legacy of Emeritus Professor Donald Alexander Bailey, Ph.D. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance, 2023;25:e96347. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-0037.2023v25e96347
Lopes ACV, Soares ALC, Carvalho RF, Meirelles CM, Gomes PSC. Acute effect of a conditioning activity on vertical jump height in trained adult women: a systematic review with meta-analysis.International Journal of Sports and Physical Education, 2023;9(3):1-10. https://doi.org/10.20431/2454-6380.0903001
Soares ALC, Carvalho RF, Mogami R, Meirelles CM, Gomes PSC. Validity, reliability and measurement error of quadriceps femoris muscle thickness obtained by ultrasound in healthy adults: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance, 2023;25:e93936.
Soares ALC, Gomes PSC. Muscle fascicle length obtained by panoramic ultrasound and estimated by prediction equations. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Physiology, 2022;21(4):246-254.
Arruda BR, Soares ALC, Carvalho RF, Gomes PSC. Reliability and measurement error of the proximal, medial and distal portions of the vastus lateralis muscle thickness measured with extended field of view ultrasonography. Kinesiology, 2022;54(1):107-114. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-0037.2021v23e76402
Meirelles CM, Fernades Jr ML, Matsuura C, Gomes PSC. Acute effects of blood flow restriction resistance exercise on endothelial function and platelet aggregation. Rev Bras Fisiol Exerc 2022;21(1):48-60. https://doi.org/10.33233/rbfex.v21i1.4982
Gomes PSC, Carvalho RF, Meirelles CM. Treinamento contrarresistência com restrição de fluxo sanguineo para o aumento da força e hipertrofia muscular. Em: Ciêcncia Aplicada ao Exercício Físico e ao Esporte, AN Neves, AMS Muniz, CM Meirelles, LC Rodrigues, MRM Mainenti (eds.), Seção Três: Treinamento Contrarresisêtncia e Nutrição Esportiva, CM Meirelles (ed.). Pág.171-185. Curitiba, PR: Editora Appris Ltda., ISBN 978-65-250-2743-2, 2022.
Meirelles CM. Nutrição voltada à hipertrofia e ganhos de força. Em: Em: Ciência Aplicada ao Exercício Físico e ao Esporte, AN Neves, AMS Muniz, CM Meirelles, LC Rodrigues, MRM Mainenti (eds.), Seção Três: Treinamento Contrarresisêtncia e Nutrição, CM Meirelles (ed.). Pág. 187-203. Curitiba, PR: Editora Appris Ltda., ISBN 978-65-250-2743-2, 2022.
Matsuura C, Evangelista JF, Meirelles CM. Suplementos nutricionais para maximizar os resultados com o treinamento contrarresistência. Em: Ciêcncia Aplicada ao Exercício Físico e ao Esporte, AN Neves, AMS Muniz, CM Meirelles, LC Rodrigues, MRM Mainenti (eds.), Seção Três: Treinamento Contrarresisêtncia e Nutrição, CM Meirelles (ed.). Pág. 205-220. Curitiba, PR: Editora Appris Ltda., ISBN 978-65-250-2743-2, 2022.
Gomes PSC, Soares ALC, Meirelles CM. Técnicas ultrassonográficas para a determinacão de medidas de arquitetura e qualidade muscular: aplicacões nas áreas de ciências do exercício, esporte e saúde. Em: Em: Ciêcncia Aplicada ao Exercício Físico e ao Esporte, AN Neves, AMS Muniz, CM Meirelles, LC Rodrigues, MRM Mainenti (eds.), Seção Três: Treinamento Contrarresisêtncia e Nutrição, CM Meirelles (ed.). Pág. 221-235. Curitiba, PR: Editora Appris Ltda., ISBN 978-65-250-2743-2, 2022.
Physical Activity Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. Secretariat of Primary Health Care, Health Promotion Department. General Coordination of Physical Activity Promotion and Intersectoral Actions. Several authors. Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Organization), Ministry of Health of Brazil, Secretariat of Primary Health Care. Health Promotion Department. General Coordination of Physical Activity Promotion and Intersectoral Actions. 1st Edition. 2021. (Gomes PSC (member of the working group).
Our Origins - Find out more about us
José Ney, Maurício Rocha, Paulo Gomes and Fernando Pompeu at LABOFISE, UFRJ
Paulo Gomes was introduced to exercise physiology early in the 1970's as an undergrad student in physical education at UFRJ, working as a trainee at the Exercise Physiology Laboratory (LABOFISE), under the guidance of the late Emeritus Professor Maurício José Leal Rocha, M.D. It was the beginning of everything. Later, Dr. Gomes completed his M.Sc. under the supervision of the renowned Canadian scientists Dr. Donald A. Bailey and Dr. Robert L. Mirwald at the University of Saskatchewan and, subsequently, received his Ph.D. at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Dr. Ross MacNab. Dr. Gomes was strongly influenced by the guidance of a fine investigator and world leader in the area of exercise physiology Dr. Michael L. Pollock, former president of the American College of Sports Medicine and director of the Center for Exercise Sciences at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL, USA). Dr. Yagesh N. Bhambhani (University of Alberta) also contributed significantly to Dr. Gomes early career, particularly introducing our group to the use of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in resistance training studies. He was a long time contributor to Lab Crossbridges.